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Lulu needs surgery Oct 31
We rescued Lulu from the Austin Animal Center and later discovered that she has a congenital malformation where her urethra and anus are conjoined, called an anovulvar cleft. We took her to the Texas A&M University Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital and the diagnostics and soft tissue surgery to repair the issue were estimated at $6,500. She has had repeated bladder infections and leaves little puddles around the house so we scheduled her surgery for October 31 in the hopes that we can fundraise enough by that time to perform the surgery without her having to be uncomfortable for long. Can you please donate to help us cover her care? Part of the cost is to determine whether she has other reproductive or organ congenital malformations that will complicate her care. Our goal is to have her lead a happy, normal life!
Every little bit helps our rescue efforts. Thank you!
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